✅ Make sure you hire a contractor with solid experience and a good reputation in the construction industry.
✅ You must have a good contract in place, which includes penalties as an incentive and a regulator for the contractor.
✅ A reasonable deadline must be agreed upon by all parties, taking into account all potential delays.
✅ Receive updates from the contractor frequently and compare progress to the established deadlines.
✅ Open communication channel for all parties must be established. Contractor or client must Inform all concerned parties right away if a problem arises so that a solution can be found as soon as possible.
✅ Remain conscientious when it comes to drawing sign-off by the client so that the contractor is sure to always have the latest drawings to work from. This will limit misunderstandings between the client, architect and contractor.
✅ As a general rule, allow three extra months after the anticipated completion date to account for potential delays to the date set aside for moving into your new home.